Here is a very cool presentation of the scale of things:
Here is a Recording Revolution tutorial video on doubling electric guitar with acoustic guitar.
This coming Sunday at 5am New Zealand changes a couple of turning rules. When I say change, it is actually reverting to the way it was! A little the 50s the state of Victoria changed the turning rule (so that a left turner gives way to an on-coming right turner). This seemed a good idea at the time (it minimised delays for Melbourne trams) but it became apparent that it was better the way it was, so in 1993 they changed it back (making it the same as all the other states in Australia, who had had the good sense not to change it at all).
So, what did NZ do? Well, they waited about 20 years and then in 1977 followed Victoria's lead! By 2004 it was obvious that it was a stupid idea (petitions from the AA etc) but the Labour Govt. at that time would not entertain the idea of changing it back. So, finally, here we are, springing into action some 19 years after Victoria changed back! It's hard not to be cynical when the country is run by morons. Here's another delicious detail: the original date for the changeover was set to be April 1st (I kid you not). When tackled on the wisdom of this the bureaucrats "didn't see that would cause any problem", but eventually conceded and changed the date. Maybe they were going to wait until after midday to introduce the new rules! Check out to find out what you can do to stop over-compression.
A prediction of the Internet from 1969. On-line shopping, banking, email...
Musipedia is a site where you can try to find a piece of music by its melody. You enter a phrase ( in one of several ways - singing, keyboard, tapping the rhythm), and it returns the best fit results. These may be MIDI files, sheet music, Youtube videos, mp3 and so on.
June 2017